
Portfolio Muhammad 'Roel' Islam


Tag: adobe photoshop

[Graphic Design] Liqomik 2 – Kompilasi Kisah Teladan

Liqomik 2: Kompilasi Kisah Teladan Liqomik is a indie comic group in Indonesia mainly focusing on independent publishing of Islamic content comics in Indonesia. Their members are active on Facebook and Instagram, while some members publish their own titles. My main task was to edit, layout the cover and the book content. Additional task include

[Comics] I Get It !

I get it! Is a comic series made for C’nS English Magazine, Jakarta, Indonesia. It’s main aim is to explain English Idioms to Indonesian English Learners.It ran for about two years through 16 editions.   Later the comics for published online only at One of the comic strip title ‘Ghosted’ is used by MYP

[Storyline] Multiple Blank Filling Exercises

Storyline 2 can only put one blank filling exercise per slide through their free form option. This is a work around so a slide can have more than one blank filling exercise in a slide. This e-learning has been demoed at the Learning Technologies 2017 for Omniplex/Cursim Illustration done in Adobe Illustrator, E-learning done in

[ELHChallenge] Dial interaction in Storyline 360

ELH challenge is a weekly e-learning challenge held by the Articulate Heroes Community Forum to provide ongoing challenges to their members. This is ELH Challenge number 151. Using dial interaction in the newly released Storyline 360. The idea is using an old school TV button the flick to the slides/screen View Dial Interaction

[E-learning] Cranfield University Online learning look redesign

These Online learning moduler were run and administered by The Operation Excellence Institute. The module is build on Powerpoint and converted to online learning modules using a very early Articulate Studio. The new module should have the new look and feel of the university’s new branding , although still done in PowerPoint with Articulate Studio

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