
Portfolio Muhammad 'Roel' Islam


Tag: content development

[Storyline] Custom Menu Interaction

Inspired by a html ‘grid like’ menu, I used the excerpt content from the World Health Organisation about Myths surrounding the Corona Virus outbreak that is currently a hot topic affecting the whole world. I moved away from WHO original look and feel by giving it a more ‘corporate’ feel with photographs- I used images

[Storyline] (Not) a Click to Reveal Interaction

Click to reveal is one of the staple interaction in e-learning building/content development today. It involves in clicking on a button and revealing a text or an image. It is something that you can easily do in Articulate Storyline with triggers and or states or layers. Here is another take on the classic click to

[ELH Challenge] Lightsaber Dial

Joining Challenge #262 from Articulate Heroes although a bit late. Its based on a dial and using layers to show information. This Demo contains audio of the light saber infamous hum. Light saber sound pack by JoshHarrisVFX Text content from Wikipedia. Background and Assets done in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator Header Illustration done in Clip

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