
Portfolio Muhammad 'Roel' Islam

I’ve got a question recently on how to make a layer go back to the last layer you visited when you close it. In the case above you clicked on layer 01 and then you click on the info layer and when you close it you go back to layer 1.

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There are several ways to do this, the first thing i tought about is a using a lightbox, which seems ok, but a bit off especially if you are using a layer or custom navigation assets.

The next is using variables, which makes it a bit long winded. This last method is just by turning off several tick boxes and adding some additional triggers to the layers. This is the tutorial/step-by-step/how to on how I did it.

I used one of the built in templates from storyline and rearangged them while also adding an info layer. Because each layer has a different coloured shaped covering the base layer I had to a duplicate “Info button” on each layer.

Trigger for the info button (BT_info) on each layer are:

I’ve put the same info button but with a different colour and some snazzy highlight. The trigger on this info button is to hide the info layer.

The next steps are very important make sure the info button works

Deactivate hide layer on each layer (1,2,3,4 and info) by right clicking on the layer -> properties -> untick hide other slide layers.

Another set of triggers on each layer (except info) is to hide other layers except the layer you are in. Below is the example for layer 1.

This method of showing info layers is beneficial when you want to show different info layer on each slide. This way the information will be neatly contained in one slide compared to for example light boxes which will in my opinion will make the build ‘cluttered’ and sometimes not cliear which lightbox goes with which slide.

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