
Portfolio Muhammad 'Roel' Islam

[Storyline] How to quickly replace an asset

Articulate Storyline

‘Apply changes to all slides’ – a small comment but has large implication especially on later stage of the build. The look and feel is better signed off before even we start building so that we can save time to build.

Articulate Storyline 360 Media Library is a neat feature where you can replace assets quickly over one course even if they scattered around dozens of slides. In this video below, I have to replace the navigation buttons on all slides in the build from red to blue.

The condition to replace an asset is it has to have the same size and dimension as the original one, if not they will not sit right.

One principal that my Storyline teacher taught me is ‘Do the right thing first’ when you are building in storyline, saves you a lot of grief later in the process.


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